Ok, this is my first blog ever. i plan to use this site for lindsay and i to add whats going in our lives, share this with other artists, post our vacations and stuff. you know, stay connected with the family and friends without having to be on Myspace to do it. we're too old and married for that crap.
Anyhoo, check back here from time to time cause i'll be posting here at least once a week on whats going on with me and lindsay or just me. who knows maybe she will start her own.
So, whats going on? not much. haha. lindsay just started a new job that she loves very much and i am plugging away at my 9-5 advertising job here in downtown atlanta working on tons of new stuff and loving it as well.
This past weekend we went hiking in atlanta. i know, you're saying but its all ghetto and there isn't nature there? well there is and its sweet. great trails, good scenic views and lots of dogs. great place. here are some pics to enjoy.
this weekend we're going to lindsay's sister and brother-in-laws for some halloween fun. or just a weekend where i sit on someone else's couch and drink their booze for a change. i may even eat their food. ye, i'lll eat them out of house and home. i have no pride. ;)
thats about it for now, i have some new artwork that i will be posting here soon for you all to enjoy..... or hate, its your call.
stay classy.
the m.i.l knows.
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